From Türkiye

Flights from Turkey to Abroad

The information provided is relevant to flights from Turkey to Europe in the west and to Georgia in the east.

For international departures, if you are an AOPA member, we recommend obtaining up-to-date information about our affiliated ground service companies and initiating your processes. If you are not yet a member, you can easily become one through the link in the Membership section.

For the countries you will be visiting or utilizing airspace, make sure to obtain information from the aviation authorities of those countries (AIP). Some countries like Bulgaria and Macedonia may require you to obtain prior PERMISSION and specify the permission number in your flight plan.

Additionally, research the ground service organizations at the airports where you will land, learn about parking facilities, and obtain fuel information. AOPA organizations in those countries will also assist you.

When departing from Turkey, you must use an airport that provides Customs services. Moreover, you can procure duty-free fuel from these airports.

If you are flying to a Schengen country, customs clearance will be done at your first landing airport, and then you can continue as if you are on a domestic flight. Since Bulgaria and Romania are not yet Schengen members, you must perform entry and exit from customs airports in these countries.

If you are traveling to countries like Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, and Georgia, you do not need a visa. However, for ground services and fuel, be sure to obtain information and contact them in advance. The AOPA websites of these countries will provide useful information.


Guide for filling customs documents AIRPORT_CUSTOMS_HOWTO.pdf

EK10 Customs Form EK10_Customs_Form.pdf


Aircraft Registration Certificate
Airworthiness Certificate (Review Certificate)
Insurance Policy (Must cover the country you are visiting)
Pilot License and Medical Certificate
Noise Certificate